On Demand

Skip the waiting room!
Instantly connect with a doctor or mental health professional from any device
– anytime, anywhere, 24/7.

Here’s how it works

How We Help

Virtually connect with board
certified physicians — 24/7/365.

Unlimited access to licensed mental health therapists & behavioral health counselors.

One low monthly payment. No insurance required. No copays, additional fees or surprise bills.

Prescriptions sent directly to your pharmacy of choice with cost savings of up to 80%.

See a Doctor in a Zip!

Our Board-Certified Doctors diagnose your symptoms, prescribe medication and electronically send prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice
— all within minutes and no insurance required!

I no longer deal with long wait times and expensive co-pays. I get answers and medication prescribed for all of my non-emergency healthcare needs.

Thank you ZipDoctor.
